Results in just 1-3 treatments

Breakthrough in treating acne scars, sun damage, age spots and rosacea.

Intense Light Therapy (IPL) at Sollay

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is used to treat sun damage, age spots and rosacea. IPL is commonly used on the face, neck, shoulders, back and hands.

It is also known as Broad Band Light (BBL), Photo Rejuvenation or Photo Facial. IPL light penetrates the skin in a range of wave lengths that targets red and brown spots resulting in a beautiful even skin tone. IPL brightens the skin. Depending on the severity of the symptoms results can be seen in 1-3 treatments.

IPL can be used to treat:

  • Sun Damage
  • Acne Scars
  • Rosacea
  • Age Spots
  • Discoloration

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What is IPL Therapy?

While IPL is not technically a laser, it provides benefits similar to laser resurfacing treatments.

IPL Therapy is a true breakthrough in treating acne scars as well as sun damage and issues related to discoloration. Intense Pulsated Light (IPL) Therapy works by emitting short waves of intense light which destroys pigmented cells to diminish undesirable discoloration.

How does IPL work to treat rosacea?

IPL can be very effective for the redness and flushing component of rosacea. By treating the blood vessels causing rosacea the vascular response is diminished. We have seen dramatic results for patients with rosacea even in patients suffering with stinging and burning sensations. After several treatments their symptoms are frequently gone. While IPL Therapy will not “cure you” of rosacea, it will significantly treat the physical component of the disease process.

Typically on average 3-4 IPL/BBL treatments are needed to clear up recurrent rosacea symptoms with another treatment recommended about once a year for maintenance purposes. These treatments are relatively quick treating the entire face in about 20 minutes.  Face, neck and chest treatment packages are available. A series of at least 3 treatments is usually recommended. The results are magical. IPL Therapy is an excellent way to treat the redness and flushing caused by rosacea. Over a period of 3-4 weeks, vessels are re-absorbed and facial redness diminishes. Patients with rosacea that are expected to do best with laser therapy are those with Telangiectasia. IPL offers a practically painless and long term solution for rosacea treatment. Never again do you have to suffer with the discoloration and the disfiguring, often embarrassing appearance of rosacea.

FAQ about Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

What is IPL Therapy?

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) helps erase freckles, age spots, spider veins, sun damage, enlarged pores, redness, rosacea and irregular pigmentation. The procedure uses beams of light that help target imperfections on the surfaces of the skin. Your skin tone will have a more even look and feel, sunspots will fade, and pore sizes will shrink. These improvements will steadily increase with each treatment.

Is treatment painful?

While there may be some discomfort, IPL treatments pain level is based on patient’s tolerance. Cooling of the skin during treatments helps to minimize discomfort.

How do I benefit from an IPL treatment?

IPL can be very beneficial to those dealing with rosacea redness, uneven pigmentation, and or broken capillaries and veins. Additional treatments will aid in diminishing redness and evening out the skin for a smooth and refined look.

How long does each treatment last?

Typical treatment sessions can last anywhere from 30-45 minutes.

How many treatments will I need?

The ideal number of treatments each patient may need depends on the severity and condition of the skin. On average you may need between 3-4 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

Can anyone receive an IPL treatment?

IPL treatments on work on patients with a level 1 or 2 skin type such as Caucasian women. Treatment will not work on those with melanin skin type.

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