Simple, Non-Invasive Laser Solution

Stop struggling with ineffective topical treatments and harmful oral medications.

Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment at Sollay!

Nail fungus – and the flaky, dry, brittle, thickened, and discolored nails that come with it – can be very difficult to treat.

Laser treatments at Sollay are fast and easy because they can reach (and kill) the nail fungus in ways topical treatments can’t.

Kill Nail Fungus for Good

  • Safe
  • Effective
  • Fast

Specials at Sollay

How it works

Lasers work to treat nail fungus by heating and killing the fungal colonies in and underneath the nail.

Lasers are better than topical treatments because they can penetrate the nail plate in ways no other medications can. Lasers work by using intense yet harmless beams of light that kill the nail fungus without causing any pain or damage to your skin surrounding your nail.

Stop struggling with ineffective topical treatments and harmful oral medications – choose the trusted laser treatment solution for nail fungus.

What to expect

During your appointment, your practitioner will assess your nails and recommend if all or just some of the nails should be treated.

The treatment is painless and fast – you will feel a slight warming or tingling sensation as the laser beam passes over your nail. The practitioner will explain each step and the settings used during your appointment

The treatment takes no longer than a few minutes and there is no recovery time needed.

After treatment

Some patients will see improvement after one treatment, but most people will benefit from a series of treatments to achieve complete results.

You’ll see improvement in your nail as new nail growth occurs over the months following treatment and the old nail is clipped off.

For best results, debride your nails before your treatment. To prevent reinfection of your nails, replace your socks with new ones and disinfect your shoes, sheets, and shower floor.

Now selling toenail fungus before & after care products from Marlinz Pharma.


FAQ about toenail fungus laser treatment

Where does toenail fungus come from?

The organism that causes fungal toenail infections is everywhere.  The fungus is a living organism and spores are essentially the seeds that can sprout a fungal infection. However toenail fungus really has to have 3 basic ingredients to start to grow.

  1. Moisture
  2. Warmth
  3. Darkness

Unfortunately, shoes have all 3 of these ingredients.  So the inside of your shoes are perfect incubators for toenail fungus.

What is laser toenail fungus treatment?

The laser that is used to treat toenail fungus is a Candela Gentle Max Pro laser. The way that the laser works is that is delivers light energy to gently heat the toenail bed and kill the toenail fungus and fungal spores. This process makes the laser ideal for the safe and effective desired result of toenail clearing. The laser energy alters fungal cellular metabolism and at increased temperature, fungal organisms’ cell components are damaged. There is also a photo-chemical effect that further damages fungal cell enzymes and proteins. Fungal cell membranes are also damaged by the laser resulting in fungal death and toenail clearance.

Does the laser toenail treatment hurt?

No. The laser does generate some heat as it kills the fungus in the toenail, but it isn’t really painful. You may feel some warmth in the toenail area. If you do, we simply move the light energy to another area of the toenail and the warm sensation immediately dissipates.

What are the advantages of laser toenail fungus treatment?

  1. Kills the fungus in only a few minutes. The fastest treatment available.
  2. No medication risks.
  3. Very low hassle. No pills. No pain. 

What are the disadvantages of laser toenail fungus treatment?

  1. Expensive
  2. Insurance typically won’t pay for treatment with a laser.
  3. Works only on minimally deformed nails.

How long does it take for the laser toenail fungus treatment to cure the toenail fungus?

You will see results after your first treatment but depending on the fungus in the toe determines how many treatments you will need.

How fast will I see results after the laser toenail fungus treatment?

Although the fungus is effectively killed by the laser at the time of treatment, the toenail still has to grow out. The healthy toenail typically grows out at a rate of about 1mm per month. If the nail is only 1/4 involved, it will probably look clear and healthy in about 3-4 months. If the toenail is 50% involved, it will probably take 5-6 months to see a completely clear and healthy-appearing toenail. A toenail that is 100% infected will take almost a year regrow into a healthy nail after the laser procedure.

Will my insurance pay for the laser toenail fungus treatment?

No. At present most insurance companies classify the laser toenail treatment as a cosmetic procedure.  The laser toenail procedure is new and it often takes a period of time before insurance carriers adopt and pay for new procedures. At present we are not aware of any insurance carriers who are covering the procedure. However, we do offer CareCredit, that is a medical credit card you can use at 1000’s of locations nationwide to finance medical services at no interest to you.

Is Athlete’s Foot related to toenail fungus?

Yes…  Athlete’s foot is nothing more than a fungal infection in the skin of the foot. The organism that causes athlete’s foot the exact same organism that causes toenail fungal infections. If you are prone to developing athlete’s foot then you are much more at risk of developing a fungal toenail infection.

The whole time that you have an athlete’s foot infection, the fungus is growing within the layers of the skin. As the fungus grows it separates the layers of the skin and you get the peeling it is the most common sign of athlete’s foot.  As the skin peels, it sheds fungal spores into your shoes. And there those little fungal seeds sit, inside your shoes, just waiting for the opportunity to start a toenail fungal infection.

For this reason, if you have athlete’s foot or are prone to getting athletes foot you need to keep this under control to prevent another case of toenail fungus.

If you get athlete’s foot often then you have to take particular care to make sure that you don’t develop athlete’s foot because it can lead to another toenail fungus infection later. The basic routine that we have found to be most likely of reducing your exposure to the fungus in preventing reinfection after the laser toenail procedure is as follows:

  1. Laser treatment to directly kill the fungus within the nail plate and nail bed.
  2. Over-the-counter Lamisil spray topical when you feel you have been exposed or anytime you believe you are developing athlete’s foot. This should help to prevent the developing athlete’s foot from spreading to the toenails and turning into the case of toenail fungus re-infection after the laser treatment.
  3. Kill the fungus in all of your shoes with the Steri-Shoe ultraviolet sterilizer. You should order this now so you will have it before your laser procedure. It is the most effective way to ensure that you don’t have viable fungal spores looming inside your shoes that could lead to a reinfection later.

Is laser treatment guaranteed to work?

Although our machine’s we use can kill the fungus with in the toenails, that is only part of the treatment.

For example, if there is any Athlete’s Foot…it is related to toenail fungus. Athlete’s foot is nothing more than a fungal infection in the skin of the foot. The organism that causes athlete’s foot the exact same organism that causes toenail fungal infections. If you are prone to developing athlete’s foot then you are much more at risk of developing a fungal toenail infection. The whole time that you have an athlete’s foot infection, the fungus is growing within the layers of the skin. As the fungus grows it separates the layers of the skin and you get the peeling it is the most common sign of athlete’s foot.  As the skin peels, it sheds fungal spores into your shoes. And there those little fungal seeds sit, inside your shoes, just waiting for the opportunity to start a toenail fungal infection.

For this reason, if you have athlete’s foot or are prone to getting athletes foot you need to keep this under control to prevent another case of toenail fungus.

If you get athlete’s foot often then you have to take particular care to make sure that you don’t develop athlete’s foot because it can lead to another toenail fungus infection later.

There is a risk of reinfection even after laser treatment. Success (defined as clear, healthy toenails) requires all of the following.

  1. Laser treatment to directly kill the fungus within the nail plate and nail bed.
  2. Prevent and/or treat athlete’s foot so that the organism doesn’t  spread back into the damaged toenails and turning into the case of toenail fungus re-infection after the laser treatment.
  3. Wash all of your socks and hot water to remove the active from filaments and toenail fungus spores from the socks it’s that they don’t get back into the toenails and reinfected toenails.
  4. Kill the fungus in all of your shoes to ensure that you don’t have viable fungal spores looming inside your shoes that could lead to a reinfection later.
  5. Apply a topical antifungal daily to the toenails to help prevent re-contamination and retard the growth of fungal spores while waiting for healthy toenails to grow out.

How many laser treatment sessions does it take to cure toenail fungus?

It honestly depends on the fungus we are trying to get rid of. Typically you need a series a treatments to permanently get rid of the fungus.

How much does laser toenail fungus treatment cost?

Depending on how many toes need to be treated and the amount of treatments you need would determine the price. Having a consultation with one of our specialized doctors would be better to recommend a price.

Should I bring anything to my appointment?

Yes. You have to bring new socks or open toed shoes.

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